Mac's Mission
Rubble is looking for a home to call his own, on the double! He is about 3.5 months old. Rubble...
Read MoreKrampus is a 2.5 year old French Bulldog, possibly mixed with Boston. He is a super sweet guy! He is...
Read MoreRocky is here to save the day! Your day, that is. With a face like that, how could he not?...
Read MoreWinston is a 3.5 year old pug. He is a super high energy kind of guy. We aren't sure where...
Read MoreLiberty is a seven week old terrier mix who is as cute as can be. Who can resist that face?...
Read MorePoncho was rescued from a hoarding situation. He sadly lost his pal when they were in a shelter awaiting rescue....
Read MoreDasher will make quick moves to melt your heart! With a face like that, we have a feeling she will...
Read MoreDancer is an adorable puppy with the moves to waltz her way into your heart and home! She is a...
Read MoreSprite is a 5 year old yorkie mix. He is a newcomer and we are still learning about him. We...
Read MoreZuma here, and I'm looking to zoom right into your home and into your heart! I've been told that won't...
Read MoreSkye came to us with her four puppies, when she couldn't be much older than a puppy herself. She made...
Read MoreVelma has lived her entire life outdoors in a rabbit hutch style cage. She recently was rescued from a hoarding...
Read MoreMr. Peabody is a thief. He will steal your sandwich and steal your heart, all at the same time! This...
Read MoreBean is a pointer mix puppy that we guess to be around 8-10 months old. He has lots of puppy...
Read MoreKit Kat is a 7 year old chihuahua mix who was pulled from a hoarding situation with four other dogs....
Read MoreChowder...where do we even start with this baby? She has endured more in her short four to six months of...
Read MoreMilk Dud is a 7 year old chihuahua mix who was pulled from a hoarding situation with four other dogs....
Read MorePez is a 17 year old Yorkie that was recently surrendered to the Mission. He is still getting settled in...
Read MoreWhatchamacallit found himself at a shelter after his previous owner ended up in an assisted living facility. He can be...
Read MoreGobstopper is new to the Mission. He is a quirky little guy that picks his best friends carefully. If you...
Read MoreMuireann is a 2 year old chihuahua/terrier mix who has a cleft lip. It is considered cosmetic and does not...
Read MoreUranus is an 8.5 year old chihuahua, and received his name when he hiked his leg and peed on Mac's...
Read MoreSputnik is an 8 year old terrier mix with the greatest smile we have seen even after his dental! Sputnik...
Read MoreToblerone is a quirky little long haired dachshund mix. He is about 2 years old. "Toby is a fun dog...
Read MoreMorty is a 10 year old Ball Python. He is able to be handled and is doing well with his...
Read MoreHoodwink came to us after she was found as a stray. We thought she was super pregnant because her belly...
Read MoreThis lovely lady is Taffy! She is a 4 year old lab mix that was seized from a terrible hoarding...
Read MoreThis gorgeous girl is Ripromp! She is a 8 month old Pitbull pup. She was injured when her previous people...
Read MoreThis distinguished gentleman is Twix! He is a 4 year old lab mix that was seized from a terrible hoarding...
Read More
Ok guys seriously. Rescue never sleeps or gets a day off. We know he has a broken jaw and we know that he will get it repaired but can you even with this crooked face?!?!
What have we been up to the past few thankful days?
* A kitten shot left rotting on the edge of the highway. Her leg was amputated yesterday while she is in ICU for infection. Going home today to her foster mama Ashley.
* Two horribly matted and skinny dogs found abandoned in the middle of nowhere on a levee road. Picked up on thanksgiving day by a follower here, a hero. Groomed and bathed and happy boys today.
* This young dog in the photo with a broken jaw in a small shelter that we took on in Virginia with our special needs coordinator Tina.
* Just the last few days: we specialize in special of all kinds. This is why I think we all kick major BOOtay as a Mac Team. Because we are pitbull strong for those that need it most!
* Three adoptions today, Flutter, Henry, and Spark Plug. Whoop!! So many parts of this team are doing so many great things! Thank you everyone!!
*our artist auction starting in the next few days! This is gonna be amazing.
Echo, BOOtay BOSS, Hulk Smash
#macsmission #wekickBOOTay #adoptdontshop #hotmessexpress #IAmPitbullstrong #macthepibull #thankful #broken
Dipstick hopes you had a good day filled with family and loved ones. He is a cleftie fostering with Chelsi and doing good breaking the internet right now!
Narwhally #dipstick #happythanksgiving #adopt #foster #rescue #specializeinspecial #macsmission #iampitbullstrong #breakingtheinternet #cleftie #cleftiepup
Flutter is thankful that she is out of her cone.
Flutter is thankful that an incredible team effort helped to get her the urgent care she so desperately needed.
Flutter is thankful that she now has a happy normal puppy life ahead of her.
Flutter is thankful that each of you jumped in to help us so we could jump off a cliff to get her everything she needed.
We are all thankful.
While Flutter was in critical care at Mizzou, you can imagine that she stole a lot of hearts. One heart in particular, she refused to give back.
A doctor from Mizzou’s team that helped to care for her and save her life will be adopting Flutter. We can’t imagine a happier ending to what could have been a tragic story.
Flutter is alive and healthy today and has a bright amazing future ahead of her because of everything that our Mac’s family helps us do for these pups.
We are always and forever thankful.
🧡Narwhal #flutter #macsmission #iampitbullstrong #adopt #foster #rescue #thankful #happythanksgiving #specializeinspecial #thankyou
Flutter is at her doctors appointment. She is going for a check up from her emergency heart surgery and to get some shots. She is also DEMANDING to be released from the cone of shame. Who thinks she needs released?
Answers pronto:
Echo, release the kraken! #flutter #checkup #macsmission #iampitbullstrong #adopt #foster #rescue #nomorecone
Bonfire is never this calm. He was sedated here for his 4pm MRI tonight. He came through it amazing and is awake and recovering now. He did indeed suffer major head trauma(a possible kick to his head) that left him with devastating injuries and lesions and damaged ventricular thingys. But the expectation is that even at his worst right now he is not in pain and over the next six months he should recover even more as his brain rewires itself. He is an unbalanced goofy Shepherd puppy that will make you laugh and want to just kiss his head 100 times a day. We are very happy with the outcome of this MRI knowing that he is not in pain and he is just going to be special. We specialize in special and we are thankful to be able to help dogs like Bonfire. Thank you for letting us do this!
#macsmission #macthepitbull #iampitbullstrong #headtrauma #wonkyhead #cute #dogrescue #puppy #adoptdontshop #homeforthehowlidays #adopt #dogsofinstagram
Who needs a wobbly puppy with the best ears? Bonfire is adoptable. He will be a medium to large dog he has some balance issues but he is pretty fantastic and come on these ears!!!
#macsmission #pitbullstrong #adoptdontshop #rescue #dogrescue #thoseears #Bonfire #specialneeds #cuteheadtilt #dogsofinstagram #macthepitbull
EVERYONE!!! ALERTING THE MASSES: WE WILL HAVE 9, NINE, 9, adorable puppies soon. Mom weighs 35 pounds and dad is unknown. These puppies range from big(ish) to tiny(ish). APPLY NOW
Narwhal, we need the poo-pocolypse gone ASAP! #adopt #foster #rescue #puppies #macsmission #iampitbullstrong #adoptable #poo #lotsofpoo
BONFIRE NEEDS A HOME!!! Watch this and help him by sharing please. -Narwhally
#adopt #foster #rescue #adoptable #specializeinspecial Apply at
Sonder had a badddd seizure yesterday. She has had a total of three since way back at the beginning of spring. The other two were way back then. She did this where mom has cameras so it was caught on video so the vet could see exactly what happened. She was at the vet this morning bright and early and had every test known to man, including an mri this summer. Her amazing vet at Cape Small Dr Loni did more bloodwork, an ultrasound, and a few more tests and samples done today. Everything is in perfect result parameters. Which is good and bad dang it. Mama is exhausted at the thought of this being a thing for her and her having more. And we know sweet Sonder is also exhausted. The second one she actually stopped breathing. She throws up so much during them there is such a risk of her dying by aspiration. They are starting her on daily cbd and one more she goes on the big drugs. She sure could use some prayers and pitbull strong strength. She was such a girl girl during all the tests today.
Narwhally, Sonders bestie #sonder #prayersneeded #specializeinspecial #macsmission #cleftie #sissy #macpack #rescue
Cobweb is a 1yr old Pitbull mix. He weighs about 37lbs. Cobweb is working on growing his hair back in after a bad case of mange. His mange is not contagious and he is being treated. HE NEEEEEEDS YOU!! Home for the Howliday’s needs you!
Narwhally the cobweb keeper. #cobweb #mangepup #macsmission #adopt #foster #rescue #iampitbullstrong #specializeinspecial
Update on little Miss Flutter with the janky heart:
She had her PDA occlusion surgery on Thursday and was back to her foster home Friday night.
She is on strict crate rest and leashed outdoor time for the next few weeks. She’s not real happy about that. She finally feels good and would love to run and play like a big crazy puppy, but she has to rest while her incision and heart heals up.
Mizzou worked a miracle to save this little girl! Thanks to everyone for the AMAZING support so we could get this girl the urgent care she desperately needed! She now can have a happy healthy life because of YOU!
🦄 Narwhal
#FlutterBug #IAmPitbullStrong #dogrescue #heartmurmur #macsmission #wegoallin #foster #adopt #adoptdontshop
You see this? That is Boxcar, the little puppy who was born bent in half, and he is standing on his back legs.
May not seem like a big deal, but when Boxcar arrived he was hump backed and he had wobbly use of those back legs at best, and we worried that he may eventually lose use of them all together.
Never dared to dream he would actually stand up on them.
His back legs continue to gain strength and his back is no longer the awkwardly humped mess it was. He isn’t going to win any agility competitions, but he fetches that ball and has enough speed now that he gives me a good chase to get him back inside.
This little guy is a fighter. He will need a home to call his forever very soon. ❤️
Narwhally the adoption pusher.
#macsmission #iampitbullstrong #BoxCar #rescue #dogrescue #rescuesofinstagram #foster #adoptdontshop #adopt #puppy #wespecializeinspecialneeds