I explained to Trudy that necklaces need to be worn around the neck, not on top of the head. However, she insisted that jewels be worn as a crown...and since she's clearly royalty, I refrained from argument.
However you prefer to wear your jewelry is fine by us. Just make sure you grab it before it's gone, as our Style Dots event ends tomorrow at 11:59p! Your dot fun will enhance the lives of our dogs, so whether looking for an original for yourself or for a gift (Christmas is around the corner!), be sure to do it tonight or tomorrow! THE DOGS THANK YOU!!!
Details and fun here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191795121313326/
Get it here: marciaharris.styledotshome.com
So many great things for you and your friends/family…so many things it does to help Fitzgerald, Pops, Bertram, Trudy, Poppy, and more! Through the remainder of the week only! Classic and fun, they are Boo-tiful! 👻🎃😁
Details and fun here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191795121313326/
Get it here: marciaharris.styledotshome.com
Meet Libby, a lovely 4-ish year old Great Pyrenees who is 84lbs thin. Although she has a coat that’s a little lacking, and the need for a few more groceries, this girl is an utter delight! She found herself in a shelter, but now she’s found the bed, and the other bed, and the other bed, and all of the super cool toys that she’s gathered onto those beds. Previously not a fan of working with livestock, she’s decided she’s much rather be with people and a family. So now she’s playing and exploring outside for fun, and then coming inside for her people, chew bones, and cushy princess bed. Well mannered, exceptionally sweet and a spectacular smile, she’s a lovee-duvee winner of a gal! ❤️ We’ll get her in tip top shape and then she’ll be searching for her forever home! Welcome, you Pyr paw giving, hugging, silly, snuggly, girl! #libbylou #rescuerocks #greatpyrenees #greatpyreneesofinstagram #adoptabledog #greatpyreneesrescue
This week only we're hosting our "Style Dot's Fundraiser," so don't forget to visit our group page for info, or just the link to shopping...or both! There are items for casual wear or of the fancier notion. People loved what they purchased last time! The rescue benefits as a result, so visit the group page for all sorts of info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191795121313326/ OR just head on over to shop for gifts or for yourself! https://marciaharris.styledotshome.com
Here’s a smile on this beautiful Saturday morning from one of the happiest dogs ever! RooRoo has never let anything get her down…not life on the streets, not the shelter, not heartworm treatment, nor a super bad infection. She loves life so, so much, and anybody who meets her absorbs her perpetual joy. If you’re looking for a dog to bring sunshine, love, and comedy into your life (you’ll never stop laughing!), RooRoo is exactly that! So reach out to us and let us know that you’d like to meet her - adoptions@k95rescue.org
Don't forget about our OneHope wine fun! Even though it goes to the end of the year, you don't want to forget about birthdays, holidays, gifts and hey, lets admit it...those tough days at work when you want to come home to your favorite glass! The dogs benefit from your purchase, so please keep them in mind when you're thinking about your next bottle! Shop at the link below (and don't forget to join our group for more info, reciepes, etc on the wine - https://www.facebook.com/groups/372206074317587/) Here's a delicious little pairing for ya:
The award winning Vintner Red Blend with flavors of Ripe Raspberry and Cocoa paired with M & Ms! 🐕🍷🎃❤
You may think me a little odd for this, but…HOORAY!!! It’s prostatitis!!! (I.e. infection in the prostate). We did several X-rays and a urinalysis to find that Pops had some blood, elevated protein and bacteria in his urine. So, a hard core antibiotic should wipe it out. There IS a possibility that it’s caused by cancer, but bc of the infection we’re leaning toward general prostatitis. As you can see, Pops was happy with the diagnosis, too! I am so relieved…the thought of already losing this darling was too much to handle. So he’ll get the goods, and we’re going to believe that it will wipe it out and that there’s no cancer. I’M SO HAPPY!!! 🥳 Thank you for all the prayers! They worked! #popsthepibble #popadoodledoo #pibblesofinstagram #seniordogsofinstagram #seniordogsrock #veterinarymedicine
Pops came home from the ER last night with a normal temp, but it was back up in the wee hours (was a long night). It’s normal now, but something is wrong - he doesn’t feel good. We’re seeing doc today for a follow up and will let you know what happens. Keep our sweet old man in your thoughts and prayers, please. I hate seeing him so puny. 💔 If you could, please consider helping Pops…we seem to be getting big punches right and left these days, so anything at all helps. Venmo: donations@k95rescue.org or PayPal.me/k95rescue ❤️#popsthepibble #popadoodledoo #seniordogsofinstagram #seniordogs #pibbles #pibblesofinstagram
Please keep Pops in your thoughts and prayers. We’re on the way to the ER now with a fever, lethargy, and refusal of food.
I explained to Trudy that necklaces need to be worn around the neck, not on top of the head. However, she insisted that jewels be worn as a crown...and since she's clearly royalty, I refrained from argument.
However you prefer to wear your jewelry is fine by us. Just make sure you grab it before it's gone, as our Style Dots event ends tomorrow at 11:59p! Your dot fun will enhance the lives of our dogs, so whether looking for an original for yourself or for a gift (Christmas is around the corner!), be sure to do it tonight or tomorrow! THE DOGS THANK YOU!!!
Details and fun here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191795121313326/
Get it here: marciaharris.styledotshome.com
So many great things for you and your friends/family…so many things it does to help Fitzgerald, Pops, Bertram, Trudy, Poppy, and more! Through the remainder of the week only! Classic and fun, they are Boo-tiful! 👻🎃😁
Details and fun here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191795121313326/
Get it here: marciaharris.styledotshome.com
Meet Libby, a lovely 4-ish year old Great Pyrenees who is 84lbs thin. Although she has a coat that’s a little lacking, and the need for a few more groceries, this girl is an utter delight! She found herself in a shelter, but now she’s found the bed, and the other bed, and the other bed, and all of the super cool toys that she’s gathered onto those beds. Previously not a fan of working with livestock, she’s decided she’s much rather be with people and a family. So now she’s playing and exploring outside for fun, and then coming inside for her people, chew bones, and cushy princess bed. Well mannered, exceptionally sweet and a spectacular smile, she’s a lovee-duvee winner of a gal! ❤️ We’ll get her in tip top shape and then she’ll be searching for her forever home! Welcome, you Pyr paw giving, hugging, silly, snuggly, girl! #libbylou #rescuerocks #greatpyrenees #greatpyreneesofinstagram #adoptabledog #greatpyreneesrescue
Walked around the corner to find…. ❤️🐾😴 #rooroo #sleepytime #blankie #adoptabledog #pibble #pibblesofinstagram #adoptabledogsofinstagram
This week only we're hosting our "Style Dot's Fundraiser," so don't forget to visit our group page for info, or just the link to shopping...or both! There are items for casual wear or of the fancier notion. People loved what they purchased last time! The rescue benefits as a result, so visit the group page for all sorts of info: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1191795121313326/ OR just head on over to shop for gifts or for yourself! https://marciaharris.styledotshome.com
Here’s a smile on this beautiful Saturday morning from one of the happiest dogs ever! RooRoo has never let anything get her down…not life on the streets, not the shelter, not heartworm treatment, nor a super bad infection. She loves life so, so much, and anybody who meets her absorbs her perpetual joy. If you’re looking for a dog to bring sunshine, love, and comedy into your life (you’ll never stop laughing!), RooRoo is exactly that! So reach out to us and let us know that you’d like to meet her - adoptions@k95rescue.org
Look who’s feeling better! Popadoodledoo!! 🐾❤️ #popsthepibble #popadoodledoo #seniordogsofinstagram #pibblesofinstagram #seniordogsrock
Don't forget about our OneHope wine fun! Even though it goes to the end of the year, you don't want to forget about birthdays, holidays, gifts and hey, lets admit it...those tough days at work when you want to come home to your favorite glass! The dogs benefit from your purchase, so please keep them in mind when you're thinking about your next bottle! Shop at the link below (and don't forget to join our group for more info, reciepes, etc on the wine - https://www.facebook.com/groups/372206074317587/) Here's a delicious little pairing for ya:
The award winning Vintner Red Blend with flavors of Ripe Raspberry and Cocoa paired with M & Ms! 🐕🍷🎃❤
You may think me a little odd for this, but…HOORAY!!! It’s prostatitis!!! (I.e. infection in the prostate). We did several X-rays and a urinalysis to find that Pops had some blood, elevated protein and bacteria in his urine. So, a hard core antibiotic should wipe it out. There IS a possibility that it’s caused by cancer, but bc of the infection we’re leaning toward general prostatitis. As you can see, Pops was happy with the diagnosis, too! I am so relieved…the thought of already losing this darling was too much to handle. So he’ll get the goods, and we’re going to believe that it will wipe it out and that there’s no cancer. I’M SO HAPPY!!! 🥳 Thank you for all the prayers! They worked! #popsthepibble #popadoodledoo #pibblesofinstagram #seniordogsofinstagram #seniordogsrock #veterinarymedicine
Pops came home from the ER last night with a normal temp, but it was back up in the wee hours (was a long night). It’s normal now, but something is wrong - he doesn’t feel good. We’re seeing doc today for a follow up and will let you know what happens. Keep our sweet old man in your thoughts and prayers, please. I hate seeing him so puny. 💔 If you could, please consider helping Pops…we seem to be getting big punches right and left these days, so anything at all helps. Venmo: donations@k95rescue.org or PayPal.me/k95rescue ❤️#popsthepibble #popadoodledoo #seniordogsofinstagram #seniordogs #pibbles #pibblesofinstagram
Please keep Pops in your thoughts and prayers. We’re on the way to the ER now with a fever, lethargy, and refusal of food.
Mine is their grandma!