This is Gizmo. He is about a year old. Gizmo graduated from our adoption prep center today and got to go to our Willowbrook Petsmart to be available for adoption. Gizmo felt it was very unfair that he be forced to ride in the back in a carrier. So he broke out, tried out the carseat, loudly critiqued my driving, showed me the right way to do it, looked out the window for a bit and finally settled in my lap for the thirty minute drive. Gizmo is one of a kind, enough love and purrsonality for ten cats. Honestly, if I wasn’t already at my limit, he would have just stayed in the car with me until we drove all the way home. If you are looking for that one super special cat, this is him. Hands down, he is just amazing. Now run, don’t walk, to your computer to fill out an application at
We’re at the magnolia event center today. They have lots of events going on especially for the kids!
Way to go, Uno!! @cleartheshelters
Congrats, Hominy!! @cleartheshelters
Happy life, Virginia!! @cleartheshelters
And now Shiva!!! @cleartheshelters
Way to go Bokee!! @cleartheshelters
Willowbrook Petsmart is ready for you!!! @cleartheshelters
First adoption of the day goes to Milly!! @cleartheshelters
The stores are stocked and ready to go!! Let’s do this!! @cleartheshelters
Our adoption counselors are hard at work getting ready for the big finale I have clear the shelters. We will have over 50 cats and kittens just at our Petsmart locations. Come out and visit you never know when you might find the love of your life
This is Gizmo. He is about a year old. Gizmo graduated from our adoption prep center today and got to go to our Willowbrook Petsmart to be available for adoption. Gizmo felt it was very unfair that he be forced to ride in the back in a carrier. So he broke out, tried out the carseat, loudly critiqued my driving, showed me the right way to do it, looked out the window for a bit and finally settled in my lap for the thirty minute drive. Gizmo is one of a kind, enough love and purrsonality for ten cats. Honestly, if I wasn’t already at my limit, he would have just stayed in the car with me until we drove all the way home. If you are looking for that one super special cat, this is him. Hands down, he is just amazing. Now run, don’t walk, to your computer to fill out an application at
We’re at the magnolia event center today. They have lots of events going on especially for the kids!
Congrats, Frida!!
Way to go, Uno!! @cleartheshelters
Congrats, Hominy!! @cleartheshelters
Happy life, Virginia!! @cleartheshelters
And now Shiva!!! @cleartheshelters
Way to go Bokee!! @cleartheshelters
Willowbrook Petsmart is ready for you!!! @cleartheshelters
First adoption of the day goes to Milly!! @cleartheshelters
The stores are stocked and ready to go!! Let’s do this!! @cleartheshelters
Our adoption counselors are hard at work getting ready for the big finale I have clear the shelters. We will have over 50 cats and kittens just at our Petsmart locations. Come out and visit you never know when you might find the love of your life