Mole Control & Nuisance Animal Removal

Mole Control & Nuisance Animal Removal

The ONLY business in the Fort Wayne/Decatur area specializing in mole and chipmunk removal. I'm also state licensed to remove other nuisance animals.

My main focus is helping you retake your lawn from the destructive moles that are tunneling and leaving dirt mounds scattered around. Ultrasonic devices, poisons, chewing gum, cayenne pepper, smoke bombs, human hair, castor beans and oil, mothballs, and predator urine will only move the moles to a different section of your lawn, or possibly pause their activity for a few days at most. With the mole being an insectivore, the common misconception is that a grub control or pesticide application program will help control the problem, but it won’t. Moles not only eat grubs, ants, centipedes and other invertebrates, they also eat earthworms, which are by far their number one food source. Trapping is the only effective means to getting rid of them.
Along with mole trapping, I am also a Licensed Nuisance Animal Control Operator for the State of Indiana, and can assist you with muskrats or beaver in your pond or creek, raccoon skunk oppossum or ground hog around your home, or coyote and other predatory animals around your pets or livestock.

hwy 27
Hoagland, IN 46745
United States