Heart of America Humane Society

P O Box 12703 - Overland Park KS 66282
We are a 100% volunteer organization working to find forever families for homeless animals in our program.

The Heart of America Humane Society is committed to promote kindness to animals, the prevention of cruelty to animals, the extension of humane education, the encouragement of spay/neuter programs among individual pet owners and animal shelters, and the encouragement of programs designed to adopt animals held at approved animal shelters to approved members of the public.

The Heart of America Humane Society is a 100% volunteer organization working to find good homes for animals that are received at two shelters in the Kansas City area. We do not have a shelter of our own but we have created cooperative partnerships with the Prairie Paws Animal Shelter in Ottawa KS and the Lee's Summit Municipal Animal Shelter in Lee's Summit MO.

Without a facility or paid staff, Heart of America Humane Society relies on its all volunteer network of caring individuals to carry out its mission.

Overland Park, KS 66282
United States