Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity

To create a world in which everyone has a decent place to live.

Established in 1994, Greater Nashua Habitat for Humanity has been a proud member of our local community, which consists of fourteen towns/cities in Southern New Hampshire.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit housing organization that works to build strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter for local families throughout our community.

We build and renovate homes for low-income families in need of decent, affordable housing. Families purchase the homes and pay a no-interest mortgage. They also devote hundreds of volunteer hours of service in building their own homes, which is part of instilling pride of home ownership in our Partner Families. We accomplish all of this through the incredible generosity of community partners who provide critical funding and in-kind services or goods and many volunteers.

Our homes are simple, decent, energy efficient and most importantly affordable. We have proudly completed our 10th Habitat home in 2016, one of which is our very 1st Veterans Build. Our current strategic goal is to build or renovate 2-3 homes this fiscal year and to provide the labor and materials to assist with 6 critical home repairs. This is no easy task, however, with the support of donors, supporters, and partners like you, it is made possible.

127 Main Street, Ste 7
Nashua, NH 03060
United States