Ardmore Habitat for Humanity

Sign up to help Habitat:

A community working together ...lives are changed

Ardmore Habitat for Humanity is built on community involvement. We desire to bring communities together, to help new homeowners see the difference that each person can make in their own community, to help communities see the difference that improving individual lives can make in the community as a whole.

There are so many ways in which you can become a part of the Habitat for Humanity community:

· volunteering to help with
· general construction
· specialized construction (electrical, roofing, plumbing, etc)
· the Cans for Habitat Recycling Program
· donating items to support construction of a new home
· making a monthly financial commitment to give
· making a one-time contribution
· donating materials which we can sell in our quarterly garage sales
· putting together a corporate work team

In whatever way you choose to support Habitat for Humanity, you are also choosing to give back to your own community...and lives are changed.

301 W Main, Suite 30
Ardmore, OK 73401
United States