Shawna Gallagher, Professional Dog Trainer & Wellness Coach
Welcome to my page I am so glad you found me. Here you will find information on dog behavior and health and wellness for you and your pets.
You're here because you LOVE doggies! Or maybe you have a doggie you want to love, but they make it very VERY difficult sometimes...
I'm a canine behavior specialist, and I specialize in working with pups with VERY troubling pasts. I feel they have the most love to give if we could simply "unlock" the key to their internal misery and make them feel loved, safe, desirable, and welcome.... worthy JUST as they are
Maybe this is because I have my OWN troubled past...
Corporate bread winner to downsized and lost...
Lifelong chronic pain that NOBODY could see...
High blood pressure I couldn't control...
Then, as if I needed salt in all those wounds life gave me... I was hit with the physically and emotionally debilitating Diagnosis of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) which has affected my life in MANY different and unexpected ways.
I suffered from excessive facial hair, unexplainable and uncontrolled weight gain, and infertility just to name a few.
I became devastated, BROKEN, yes... I'd lash out at those I loved the most... I was in all senses the stray dog who had been beaten by life and left abandoned to fend for herself...
For many years I could not talk about it and only a couple of very close friends even knew what I was going through. It's like I didn't even speak the same language as those around me...
NOBODY understood...
There was NO Hope...
Until... there was!
I found my passion in the understanding and working with Dogs and their behavior.
I felt compelled to help these sweet innocent animals discover their voice, find a way to communicate and survive in this world AMONG their people not AGAINST them anymore!
The hope I saw in their eyes and their "parent's" eyes when they finally had breakthroughs. THIS was real hope! And I was helping them get there!
But I had forgotten one BIG component, My OWN health!
It wasn't until I found a coach of my own who was willing to understand my circumstances even though she hadn't lived them herself, who was willing to see me not as broken, but as PERFECT, and DESERVING of less pain, controlled hormones, BALANCE!
It wasn't until I realized I needed the exact kind of help and support I had learned to give to others that I found the last missing piece...
And NOW I want to share my story with others in hopes of serving and inspiring some HUMANS to take action for themselves as well as helping their canine counterparts to achieve balance, comfort in their own skin, and a life worth living!
I Am Shawna Gallagher, and I don't back down from life's hard parts anymore!
Check Back to my page Daily for my adventures in Canine behavior and Personal Growth!