Hair of the Dog Rescue Inc.
We are a 501c3, tax exempt, non-profit animal rescue, assisting abandoned dogs in eastern Pennsylvania and in the Redlands Florida.
The Redlands is an area south of Miami Florida. It is undeveloped. Miles and miles of dirt roads and plantations. Hundreds of dogs live in this area. Abandoned by their families. Why? God only knows. These are NOT wild dogs. They are not street dogs. These are abandoned house pets. Taken out of their homes and left in the heat and darkness to die. Alone. They die of starvation, dehydration, heartworm, injury. Slow and painful deaths. I have personally been there. I have met some of these beautiful and FRIENDLY dogs. I felt like i was in a third world country, but I wasn't. This is happening right here in the United States! The rescues in Florida are doing the best that they can but they are saturated. Overfull. We would like to help by capturing as many of these dogs as we can and bring them to rescues here in the Lehigh Valley. Understand, we are not doing what a lot of rescues do by "pulling dogs from the south". This is not the same. These dogs are not in shelters. These dogs are out, in the middle of nowhere, being left for dead. These dogs will not even be humanely euthanized. They are suffering in agony. We can save them! I know we can do this. Please help spread the word. We will bring up as many homeless dogs in as we can afford. How can you help? We need donations. We need foster families. We need other rescue partners! We can not do this alone. Please help us help them!