Carberry Cat Rescue
Working toward nonprofit status...Our goal is to decrease the stray cat population by developing a spay/neuter program and adopting out cats in our care.
To provide a humane, no-kill, non-profit shelter for cats in carberry and surrounding area who are homeless, abused and/or unwanted.
To provide warm, nurturant surroundings for cats at the shelter.
To provide medical care to cats at the shelter and to ensure that all cats are spayed or neutered.
To seek loving, compatible homes for our cats.
To work with shelters, humane organizations, and other rescue organizations to build a network of animal organizations to develop solutions and strategies for the community.
To set up a system of foster homes for cats, especially for those who are very young or old or who have special needs.
To raise awareness of animal welfare issues and to play an educational role in the community and particularly in the schools.
To encourage the spaying and neutering of companion animals.