ASA Animal Shelter Agonda/Cola
We are a Registered Charitable Trust based in Cola Canacona S.Goa with a small shelter/clinic for cats & dogs opp. Gurukul High School..Open 10-1 & 4-6
Our mission is to do the full ABC programme for all stray animals cutting down the massive impact of stray dogs and cats. And to help sick injured and abused animals and any animal that needs our help.
Our facebook page is about the work we have started at the small animal shelter/clinic in cola.
We decided to help the local stray dogs and cats from the agonda and cola areas to begin with as we only have a small shelter at present. We are open between 10am-1pm & 4pm-6pm.
The bigger plan is to build ASA 2. On a beautiful cashew plantation in cola not too far from our first shelter. Then we can accomadate more animals even cows! So please bear with us and support us with your prayers and good thoughts so we can hopefully grow into a bigger and better organisation to help all those animals around us as it is so needed here. We are a registered charitable trust and non profit organisation.