PACT- People's Animal Care Trust
PACT (Pakistan)
1. To provide food not only for the stray cats and dogs but to feed the birds, crows, eagles etc as well.
2. To get help from sensitive, sensible and generous people of our society. It's a non-profit animal welfare project so it will be mainly based on donations, funds and other means of help (in form of providing voluntary vet services from qualified vets).
3. To collect as much funds and donations possible so that either a land can be purchased to construct an animal shelter on it or buy an already constructed spacious house to accomodate these poor speechless souls and provide them comfort, meals and security.
4. To educate the ignorants in our society about the animals'right to those who mistreat or abuse the animals.
5. Last but not least is to get a strict Animal abuse law sanctioned and implemented so that some cruel and pathetic humanly beasts should not be able to get away with their cruelty. Heavy fines and strict imprisonment.
There are very few so called animals welfare organizations here in Pakistan but they are not providing food and shelter to the animals. Some of them are even getting huge fundings but where is it all going? Why the animals are still suffering or living in misery? PACT is going to make a difference (by the grace of Almighty).