Romanian Humane Society - Animal Rescue & Welfare

Romanian Humane Society - Animal Rescue & Welfare

The “Romanian Humane Society - Animal Rescue & Welfare” Association is non profit charity organisation incorporated based on Romanian law OG.26/2000.

The members of the Romanian Humane Society - Animal Rescue & Welfare associated with the scope of promoting the rights of animals, prevention and combatting violence and abuses of animals, saving and care of animals in danger or without master, promotion and protection of the rights of domestic and wild animals, mainly the species in danger or disappearing species, providing decent conditions of shelter, food and care for the animals saved, promotion of the activities involving the relation of collaboration between man and animals, mainly the practice of using animals in therapeutic and recreational activities, meant to provide to animals a proper living level and simultaneously to improve the state of physical, mental, spiritual health, the spirit of competitiveness and fair-play and social integration of children and youth, providing equal access to personal and professional development, by carrying the animals, the Romanian, foreign and stateless citizens from Romania, regardless the age, sex, financial condition, social status, medical condition or any other discriminatory criterion as well as the improvement of existence conditions and care of the animals with which the man interacts in the quotidian life in promoting their adoption and volunteering.

Bucharest, 040202