Meow House Cat Rescue

We are a small, 100% volunteer, 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue in Wake County, NC. We rescue cats & kittens, get them healthy, happy & spayed/neutered, then find them loving, forever homes.

To offer a helping hand to cats in need of rescue, provide them with food, love, and medical care, and house them safely until an appropriate forever home is found.

In May of 2012 we became aware of the dire situation at Harnett County Animal Control where many animals on death row face euthanization. Although we did not know we would turn into a rescue then, we agreed to take cats who did not find rescues or adopters before their time was up and attempted to find them loving homes. Each week we took the last few who would have otherwise been left behind and as our numbers grew, we made the decision to officially start a cat rescue here in Raleigh, NC.

Raleigh, NC 27604
United States