Three Rivers Ferret Council

We are a group of ferret lovers who meet once a month on the third Sunday of the month, usually at the church at 601 Brownsville Rd. We also have a yearly picnic, workshops, parties, costume contests, all sort of fun things.

Mission Statement: To further the education, awareness and enjoyment of the domestic ferret.

1. To provide information to the public regarding proper ferret ownership and care.
2. To promote the awareness of the ferret as a companion pet.
3. To sponsor seminars and workshops open to the general public where ideas, opinions and information relating to ferret issues may be expressed and shared with others.
4. To make donations to other qualified non-profit ferret organizations and shelters through fund raising efforts and events.
5. To engage in other activities related to educating the public concerning ferret issues and concerns.

The TRFC hosts a variety of events including; monthly meetings, Ferret Awareness Days at local pet stores, The Three Rivers Ferret Follies Fun Match & Picnic - an annual fun event and the Three Rivers Ferret Show just to name a few.

145 Margaret St
Pittsburgh, PA 15210
United States