International Animal Rescue Foundation World Marine Conservation Society

Marine and freshwater conservation - Non Profit Taking

Marine and fresh water conservation management to protect our vulnerable and endangered sea and river life, we envisage a vision of cleaner waters, protected reef’s increased fish stocks and low pollution using up to date technology, education, and communication to good rapport.

Antarctica is most important to us within the next two years of which we are planning a multitude of air, water and ice core analyses demonstrating good education as well and awareness of our findings and research to help sustain our precious and most sensitive environment that’s dwindling yearly from environmental destructiveness and carbon emissions via the obsessive consumer and negligent businesses.

We are moving forward and we will preserve our environment at any cost.

Marine Conservation Society is affiliated and partnered to the International Animal Rescue Foundation from which we conduct fresh and marine water surveys to halt species and botanical extinction.

We envisage a vision of marine and fresh water life preserved and conserved through biodiversity management, pollution control, monitoring off fish stock levels, marine and fresh water botanical management, drought, awareness and education, tracking and anti-poaching patrols internationally.

Marine Conservation Society also actively promote's and introduce's into the waters around the world on permission off the governing fishers and wildlife agencies artificial reef beds to ensure that species within areas of natural reef destruction are not destroyed through domestic and commercial negligence.

Ensuring that critically endangered species of flora and fauna within our oceans are protected to the best of our ability using precision education, new technological advances, and chipping to keep routine checks on where our species of endangered marine life are moving to, we are one of only few marine conservation teams that undertake such work on an international level without the need to battle government funded organisations.

Supporting many organisations from Greenpeace, World Wildlife Fund, Environmental Investigations Agency and the African Association of Zoo’s and Aquaria PAAZAB plus umbrella marine and fresh water conservation management organisations we all work to promote one thing [Environmental Welfare] whether it is in the seas or protective captivity. The marine conservation society is not related to the above organisations.

In 2005 the board purchased our new vessel at a cost of 1/4 of a million euro that has four smaller vessels within that we use primarily to conduct research in areas of fresh water that are too small and narrow to allow larger vessels to pass into and through.

The research team operates only in the Spring, middle Summer and late winter on a strict private budget. This is because of exceeding costs elsewhere within the organisation along with fuel costs of the vessel and maintenance that have to be balanced out in order to keep all areas of the Non Governmental Organisation working efficiently and at the correct capacity without over spending budget of only 28,000 euro a year for this area.

All maintenance is carried out by ourselves that are trained maritime engineers. We are also now working on introducing environmentally friendly alternatives to the vessel that will cut down on fuel costs thus in turn pushing more private funding into conservation preservation.

The Selena is a registered ship that conducts much research of which we are hoping in the next 1-2 years to then travel to Antarctica to undertake much needed climatological research, researching the melting ice caps, and shelf movement, documenting on flora and fauna that rarely is mentioned within our environmental world, to undertaking core ice readings and pollution analyses.

We conduct internationally marine anti-poaching patrols however as we are a [non-profit taking] organisation and with land Anti Poaching Units plus the recent poaching epidemic in Africa then unfortunately that takes top priority along with short scaled funding.

This marine organisation is privately owned and privately funded by the owner of which we do not and never have taken public donations. However you’re more than obliged to place donations that will go to fresh water and marine research and protection of which all donations do not come to us but directly go to [wildlife conservation].

You can place a voluntary donation here via Pay Pall entering our address which is

Main [communications] office address is;
International Animal Rescue Foundation
Unit 3 Northumberland Street
Po Box NR2 4EE
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 1603-613367

Please note the main communications office is not open for public.

The marine organisation no longer see's Australia as a point of interest and have with board of directors on advice of conversational interest now moved from Brisbane to Norway where our main vessel is docked.

We see this global position very advantageous as it covers vast areas of marine and fresh water ways that we have not yet had the chance exploring. Being within the heart of Europe too brings new and rewarding challenges.

[Updated 2013 February]

Stenersgata 2 0184 Oslo, Norway
Oslo, 1363