Hayvan Severler / Bilkent

We try to save animals from suffering in Bilkent University and in Ankara.
Please join us. Our little friends deserve to live.

Let’s Make Things Better
Animal Lovers Bilkent
Student Club

Animal Lovers Bilkent is student club for animal welfare. The club consists of mostly student population, instructors and staffs in Bilkent University.

Our aim is taking care of stray animals that live or pass by campus. We receive information about them and share each other all the time. Therefore, if something happens we interfere instantly and try to save their lives. Our groups feed them everyday and love them constantly.

They are vulnerable and lonely in the modern world. They have no place to go. Thereby, Animal Lovers Bilkent strives to provide a beautiful life to them and if it is possible, give them lovely and warm home.

The club based on voluntarism and open for everyone who is nearby Bilkent University. All people can come and join us. We will organize many events, which include seminars, feeding days, and shelter visiting etc. Because of the university student club, people can gain points of GE250 -51 meanwhile touching needy animals life and make them better!

Bilkent University