Storyridge Ranch formerly Hope Lives Slaughter Horse Rescue
To donate via paypal / or via gofundme
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140,000 american horses of every breed are sold by their owners (at auction and privately) and taken to Mexico or Canada or shipped (alive in small crates) to other foreign countries for painful and horrific slaughter. Please UNDERSTAND that this has to stop NOW. Stop what you are doing, make a phone call, make a donation, write a letter to congress. Contact your local auction house and go watch a slaughter auction. Nursing babies and their mothers are auctioned FOR SLAUGHTER. Pregnant mares are auctioned FOR SLAUGHTER, non-performing thoroughbreds are auctioned FOR SLAUGHTER, and every other imaginable shape, size breed and color are sent to slaughter by the hundreds, DAILY. We can do this! Our voices must join together so we can put an end to this. Demand that BREED ASSOCIATIONS take some responsibility to stop RECKLESS over breeding. Demand that the AUCTION HOUSES stop selling babies, mommas, pregnant mares, and half dead horses to kill buyers. They need to be held accountable. How morally and ethically sick, demented and GREEDY the horse world has become. Rescues are full and financially strained trying to clean up this mess, day-in and day-out. Please help in any way you are able. Your donations are needed! To all our sisters and brothers doing rescue work, NEVER GIVE UP!
Storyridge Ranch (formerly, Hope Lives) is a non-profit slaughter-bound horse and livestock rescue. Storyridge also offers faith-based and non-faith based programs for families and young adults who are seeking support and recovery from addiction, trauma and depression....... Healing in an extraordinary way through our horses and the incorporated programs we offer with them. Dedicated to rescuing horses and livestock and educating the public about the mistreatment of livestock on American feed lots. Located in Laporte, Colorado.
Founder: Chelsea Miller
To support her work, visit her art pages->
Board members:
-I'm a horseaddict,
-Julie Ferguson Underwood
-Tammy Walker
-David Cartwright