Paws Animal Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc.

Paws Inc is a fully licensed, non-profit focused on wildlife education and rehabilitation. Contact us if you need help with wildlife or want information on educational programs with live animals. (864) 683-3190

This page has been set up to communicate Paws Animal Wildlife Sanctuary news to our fans.

PLEASE DO NOT POST NON-PAWS /WILDIFE RELATED ITEMS ON THIS PAGE without permission. (We especially do not appreciate people promoting THEIR organization or cause on this page.)

We will grant permission on occasion for 'non-PAWS' related topics. If you wish to discuss a proposed posting, please contact us at

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

We do not give permission for anyone to use any of our photos or videos (or notes or other proprietary materials on this page) anywhere without our permission. You MAY post links (and we love it when you do) to the photos and videos and other things here to other places as long as the link points back to one of our pages or our website. Thanks!

(We aren't trying to be difficult to those who are true fans. We ARE trying to prevent the purposeful misuse of our photos and other things. If in doubt,ask, and we'll be happy to clarify things for you!)

Paws Inc is a fully licensed, non-profit focused on wildlife education and rehabilitation. Contact us if you need help with wildlife or want information on educational programs with live animals.
(864) 683-3190 or (864) 980-5105

Laurens, SC 29360
United States