Safe Haven Animal Rescue
We are a small group of volunteers trying to help as many homeless cats as we can. We are located in Berwick, NS
To help homeless cats/kittens find a forever home, as well as help individuals who need financial assistance spaying and/or neutering their feline family members.
Safe Haven's story…
Established in 2004 by a passionate animal advocate. In a few short years she was able to vet, spay and neuter over 500 cats.
Focus was also on feral TNR (trap-neuter-return) with 80 cats being altered in the surrounding community.
To put reproduction of cats in perspective: one unaltered female cat and her offspring, over a 7 year period can theoretically produce 420 000 cats
Our dedicated volunteers help in various aspects from fundraising to chores. Every contribution helps and is appreciated. We are able to help approximately 50 cats annually from vetting, spaying/neutering, adopting.
In 2015, we implemented a low cost spay/neuter program. We are very passionate about reducing unwanted felines and reducing the feral cat population in and around the Berwick area of Nova Scotia. As a result of this program we have been able to assist owners and hundreds of cats.
We ask that if you are unable to cover the full cost of a spay or neuter, give what you can, whether it be $20, $40, $50, or $100 and we will cover the rest.
We thank everyone who supports Safe Haven,
Without this support we would not be able to do what we do.
Please spay or neuter your cat! :)