Keno's Animal Sanctuary

We are a no-kill cageless animal sanctuary and 501c3 not-for-profit organization.If you are interested in adopting please message

Keno's Animal Sanctuary is named in loving memory of my first love Keno.My little man was abused and neglected so as a fifteen year old I followed my heart and stole him from his abusers.Because he was kicked and beaten he suffered many health issues throughout his life.He was paralyzed from the hips down from age 9 to passing at 18.Many heartless vets had no answers but to put him down.I never gave up on Keno and he lived a beautiful life to the end.In his memory we strive to help any animal from abuse and abandonment. At current Keno's Animal Sanctuary is a small establishment but our goal is to open a larger sanctuary so we can give a forever home to those deemed as unadoptable and find homes for those that are.

Brooklyn, NY 11214
United States