Wild Blue Cats
Wild Blue Cats! is a nonprofit org located in Black Forest, CO. Visit us during the week BY APPOINTMENT or on Saturday from 12 to 4pm.
Wild Blue Animal Rescue and Sanctary will not kill any animals under our care. Euthanization will only be used as a last resort for animals suffering severe injuries or illnesses that are causing extreme discomfort and poor quality of life for the animal. We hope to share this philosophy and efforts throughout our region in an attempt to build a more harmonious and healthy relationship between the people and animals of Colorado.
Wild Blue is a non-profit organization and relies solely on your generosity to carry out our mission! Please consider making a donation. Thank you for aiding this important cause!
Currently there are two methods by which you can make a tax-deductible donation to Wild Blue. You can donate securely and quickly on our website, or you can mail a check to the address below.
Wild Blue Animal Rescue & Sanctuary
PO Box 88252
Colorado Springs, CO 80908
For security purposes access to the Sanctuary is by appointment only.
To make an appointment to come and visit the kitties — please call us at least a day in advance at (719) 213-1127.
Otherwise come and see us at our PetCo adoption fairs on Saturdays from 12noon-4p.m. Thank you for your understanding!