Humane Society Legislative Fund
Get Political for Animals!

HSLF works to pass animal protection laws at the state and federal level, to educate the public about animal protection issues, and to support humane candidates for office.

Commenting Policy:

This is a page for supporters of HSLF, and we encourage open discussion and invite you to share your opinion on our issues.

By participating on this page, you are agreeing to our commenting policy, outlined below.

We reserve the right to delete posts containing any of the following elements:

- profanity
- misinformation
- spam
- off-topic / irrelevant
- personal attacks
- promoting violence
- promoting illegal or questionable activities
- rallying on behalf of people or organizations which support animal abuse

If you repeatedly violate this policy, you will be removed from our page.

If you become a bother to our supporters, since this is a supporter page first and foremost, you will be removed. Again, we encourage open discussion, which includes disagreement, but we will not tolerate harassment or taunting of our supporters.

We appreciate your cooperation and support, and look forward to connecting with each of you, our loyal supporters!

If you have a question regarding this page or anything on it, please email us at

Thank you!

1255 23rd Street, Suite 455
Washington, DC 20037
United States