Friends of South Los Angeles Animal Shelter

This page is run by volunteers and our objective is to network the animals to help them get fostered, rescued or adopted.

We volunteers spend several hours daily networking and doing as much as we possibly can to try to save them, but unfortunately, many do not make it out alive...:( We are desperately in need of new fosters, who can provide temporary homes for dogs & Cats who would otherwise be killed. We are doing everything possible to promote this site because the more members we have, the better chance these super dogs & cats have of getting out alive. We URGENTLY need your help to make this happen! all you need to do is to share our site to invite your friends! Thank you so much! This shelter is filled with companion animals who desperately need safe and loving homes, fosters and volunteers. ♥

1850 W 60th St
Los Angeles, CA 90047
United States