Fields of Freedom

Fields of Freedom gives Sanctuary and Love to Animals in need.

Fields of Freedom Sanctuary believes that kindness and respect to animals is our duty as humans, and that all the creatures that share this earth are here with us and not for us. Like our faithful dogs and cats, all animals are sensing and feeling individuals who deserve to be treated with compassion and to live a life free from fear and suffering.

Fields of Freedom works to create a true sanctuary for all animals, regardless of whether they are our sanctuary animals or the wild animals living around us.

Fields of Freedom is a non-profit organization and will always remain as such. All labor is volunteered, no wages are paid, and we have no offices to maintain - every penny goes to feeding, caring for and providing sanctuary to the animals in our care. We look to upcycle and restore whatever we need for housing and fencing as long it is safe and stable for both the animals and ourselves. We try to grow as much of the animals' food ourselves as possible. For treats, we often enjoy a lettuce day or kale day when a whole wheelbarrow of greens is spread around for all to enjoy.

Our running costs however, are very high and we have to rely upon a sympathetic public to help fund the sanctuary.

Every animal at Fields of Freedom has a story and each of them has looked into our eyes and asked for help. The animals residing at the sanctuary come from far and wide, arriving in various states of health. Many have been rescued from dreadful cruelty and/or poor living conditions.

Our mission is to provide a safe and peaceful environment, where rescued animals can remain for the rest of their lives. Veterinary care and medication is provided as required, and all animals in our charge are constantly monitored to ensure their good health and wellbeing. We never implement euthanasia unless it is advised by our vet as a total necessity.

Forest Crumpy (Chris): "I moved to Denmark in the spring of 2014 after spending six years living in northern Spain. During my time in Spain, I was fortunate to witness the day to day running of a farm sanctuary and what this requires. I have enjoyed caring for and spending time around animals since I was very young, and have always had a cat or dog at home. I have always felt a special feeling inside and a connection with each animal I have met in my life, and some of the happiest times of my life have been watching animals learn and grow in their lives. During a period in my life, when I started to think more about the world I was living in and what was happening within it, I started to ask questions about where my food comes from and how it is produced. What I found both shocked and appalled me - lives and souls abused and wasted for an industry of modern life and society, an industry that churns out money not compassion. All love and respect is lost in this process. I couldn’t be part of that anymore and I started to look to change both my mind and my own lifestyle. This is why I started Fields of Freedom."

Every animal is someone - not something.

Every animal is worthy - not unworthy.

Every animal is deserving - not undeserving.

We believe in a world where animals can live free from suffering and abuse.

Since April 2015, Fields of Freedom has been a sanctuary to animals who have been abused or neglected or who can no longer be cared for by their owners.

Fields of Freedom rescues the donkey with hooves so bad from not getting care that he struggles to walk. The pig still alive but left for dead at the slaughterhouse. The 6-year-old dairy cow, who has developed malformation of the muscles in her legs because she is only allowed to walk a few meters a day – from the feeding station to the milking station – and no longer can stay standing up so they have to lift her with a crane in order to milk her.

We offer a home to abused and unwanted animals so they can live out their lives in peace and happiness with their friends and family here at the sanctuary.

Won't you help the animals by donating to Fields of Freedom?

Bankevejen 34
Aarup, 5560