Nova Scotia SPCA - Queens Foster

The Queens Branch was formed in 1994 and is a foster based branch that offers fostering, adoption and educational programs.

The mission of the Nova Scotia SPCA is to prevent abuse, neglect and cruelty to animals, and provide for province-wide leadership on matters that promote and improve the welfare of all animals through animal protection; care and rehabilitation; humane education; advocacy and engagement and collaboration with stakeholders

The guiding principles of the SPCA’s No Kill model focuses on increasing live release rates with a commitment of attaining a record of 90% or higher. All healthy and medically treatable animals will be given every opportunity for adoption and euthanasia will be reserved only for reasons of mercy or aggression.

The model employs a strategy that focuses on increasing adoptions by removing barriers; opening admission so that as many animals as possible are helped; providing community support systems through collaboration and cooperation with government, veterinarians, rescue, TNR and other animal welfare organizations; increasing donor and volunteer support; adhering to high standards of animal care; being accountable and transparent; educating the public about misconceptions and humane and responsible pet ownership; and strong leadership committed to the model and creative solutions.

PO Box 2012
Liverpool, NS B0T1K0