SAA 保護遺棄動物協會
歡迎於開放時間到本會參觀, 無需預約。
地址:元朗僑興路白沙村第一段, 開放時間是逢星期三, 五, 六,日及公眾假期, 下午1時至4時.
• 接收及照顧一些因為經濟、健康或居住等問題而被主人遺棄的動物及安排領養服務
• 成立動物捐血者資料庫
• 本會已設有「SAA動物醫療中心」,並協助推行「捕捉/絕育/放回」(TNR)計劃,藉此減少流浪動物的數目
• 提供動物諮詢熱線,提供正確飼養動物的方法、有關動物病患、行為和心理的意見及幫助尋找遺失動物等
• 定時開放給市民參觀及團體探訪
• 於學校,屋苑及社區團體舉辦講座
SAA’s Main Services:
Accepting and taking care of abandoned animals whose owners no longer able to keep them due to financial difficulties, health problems or restrictions at their residence; arrangement of re-homing if possible.
Establishing an animal blood donors’ databank
Setting up of “SAA Animal Medical Centre” which assists in fulfilling the goal of our “Trap/Neuter/Return” (TNR) Programme aiming at reducing the number of stray animals.
Rendering an animal hotline service that provides advice and information on the correct way to rear a pet, pet diseases, pet behaviour and psychology, etc. We also assist owners in locating their lost pets.
Opening the Sanctuary for public visits at designated time.
Arranging seminars for schools, house courts and communities to arouse public awareness on welfare of abandoned animals and the sanctity of life.
It is so cheerful each time when we see an abandoned pet being successfully adopted by a new owner, which means we are one step forward to achieve our goal of rescuing abandoned animals.