Andalusia Animal Shelter


Our mission is simple to rehome pets that were seen as unlovable or unwanted by someone else. We will adopt out all that are healthy, that are good natured(safe to adopt to public) and if not we try to find rescues that will help with the others.

We take in strays, owner turnovers, sick/injured, feral, fractious and the most loving pets from all of Covington County. We are dilligent in finding GOOD homes for all the pets that are adoptable. We educate as many people we can on spay and neuter, vaccinations, and any overall health or behavioral issues.

Our Mission is simple to spay and neuter, and give all our pets a second chance at a great life.

Our adoption process is as simple as we can get it. For anything adopted there is a $30 adoption fee plus the cost of spaying and neutering. We have a shelter vet. Dr. Bob Bush DVM that does all of our spays or neuters here at our facility weekly. Prices range from $45-75. So we have made it affordable for anyone to be a responsible and loving pet owner. You need to have a current ID, and a piece of mail to verify a correct physical address the animal will live at.

101 Coliseum Ave
Andalusia, AL 36421
United States