Broken Wing
Non-profit corporation combating hopelessness within the avian welfare community!
Dedicated to ensuring that all companion parrots are out of harm’s way from homelessness due to foreclosure, eviction or financial hardship when families face major life challenges beyond their control. To provide compassionate options minimizing the threat of parrot abandonment, neglect or euthanasia.
Broken Wing's Core Values
Every board member and staff at Broken Wing agree to the following:
Commitment to Excellence
I will do my best at all times according to acceptable standards.
Heart for People and Birds that cross our path
I will show compassion to those in distress, feathered and non-feathered.
I will build genuine relationships with others that honor God.
I will be Honest in what I say and do.
Servant Attitude
I will put the interests of others before my own
Team Work
I will respect, support and encourage my team to include staff & volunteers.