Garland Animal Services
We are the official facebook page for Garland Animal Services in Garland, Texas. Please be advised that we do not post anything on any other site. For current and accurate information, you can visit
Garland Animal Service's presence on social media sites is intended for informational purposes only.
For social media pages allowing comments please follow these guidelines:
Comments must be civil and may not contain slanderous, libelous, malicious, offensive, threatening, profane, or insulting language.
Advertising or promotional announcements are not permitted.
Comments must be within the scope of the topic under discussion.
Comments cannot include personally identifiable information, such as an address, phone number, social security number or other sensitive information.
Comments cannot represent a person other than the one posting the comment.
Comments containing links to other websites or pages must be relevant to the topic.
Comments cannot serve electoral campaign purposes. Political messages will not be published.
Participants are responsible for what they post. Comments must not breach any law, confidentiality, or copyright.
Some of the links on the City’s social media pages may lead to resources outside the City of Garland’s municipal government. The presence of these links should not be construed as an endorsement by the City of these sites or their content. The City is not responsible for the content of any such external link. The responsibility for content rests with the third party organizations that are providing the information.