Butte-Silver Bow Animal Services
The Animal Services Office is open Monday-Friday, 8-11am and 12-4pm. The Animal Shelter is open Tuesday-Saturday, 1-4pm.
Provide services which help prevent animals from becoming a danger or a nuisance to the community.
Strive to improve responsible pet ownership throughout the community.
Provide the community with awareness of animal stewardship through educational programs, public information, and animal control.
To educate the community about the importance of spaying and neutering of pets.
The Animal Service Department is available to handle all phone calls for Animal Control and the Animal Shelter. The Animal Service Department office is open during the week to assist the public with most needs. We handle animal related complaints from the community, provide information about city ordinances pertaining to animals, traps and trapping instructions, dispatch for Animal Control, help with lost and found animals.
The Animal Service Department Office is also open for the sale of Butte Silver Bow dog licenses. To purchase a licence, the owner must bring in the current rabies certificate for the dog getting licensed. Licenses are available in 5 year or Lifetime denominations. Cash or Check is accepted as payment.