Collin County Animal Services

Please go to to view all our animals or to submit a lost and found report

Collin County Animal Services shelters all lost/stray pets from Farmersville, Frisco and McKinney. Each of these cities provide their own animal control services. Please contact your city directly for animal control service information and requests.

Collin County Animal Services performs all animal control duties as well as sheltering all lost/stray pets from all unincorporated areas of Collin County, and the cities of Anna, Celina, Fairview, Lavon, Lucas, Melissa, Nevada, New Hope, Princeton, Blue Ridge, and Prosper.

Looking to Adopt?
- 75.00 dog adoption fee and 50.00 cat adoption fee - includes spay/neuter, microchip, and vaccinations!
- Adoption fees are waived for any of our Barn Cat, but donations are appreciated

Lost your Animal or Found a Stray?
to view our animals on stray hold or to submit a lost/found report!

Want to Help? See our CCAS Programs Photo album!

Want to volunteer? Email: for a volunteer application

4750 Community Ave
McKinney, TX 75071
United States