Aluxes Ecoparque Palenque

Aluxes-Centro de conservación y rescate de la Naturaleza.

Aluxes is a rescue and rehabilitation center for the local flora and fauna of Chiapas. As an EcoPark we offer an alternative way to view animals in a family oriented atmosphere, we also focus on environmental sustainability and education. Aluxes is not a zoo, and does not operate like one; we provide space that is as respectable to you, the visitor, as it is to the inhabitants.
Who we are is a straightforward enough question to answer; we are a simple group of highly dedicated individuals with a common goal set in mind. The more complex question is who we, as an institution are. We are a small, non-profit institution whose primary focus is the native flora and fauna. We do not work for ourselves, or for anyone else, our work and drive is for the wellbeing of any endangered sentient being. We are not a business. We are not a Zoo. We are Aluxes EcoPark, a family and a friend to any and all flora and fauna.
To narrow down our activities into one answer would be impossible. Aluxes is not a traditionally one minded institution, we have many interests and many goals we would like to see completed. Though we seem to have many areas of interest, each one falls under the two general headers, that of ecological preservation. Our major projects and focuses have been on rehabilitating any animal that we can back into his or her native habitat, we only keep those who cannot live amongst their kin for whatever reason. Our most notable example of this has been the re-introduction of 80 wild Scarlet Macaws back into the Palenque airspace, before our project, they had been extinct in that part of Mexico for 80 years. The other header is that of ecological education, we work closely with schools to have the chance to cover their government mandated environmental coursework in an environment where they can see for themselves what conservation means and looks like.
--Insert here a list of the parks timelines and goals--
Contrary to belief, the actual park itself is not our main focus, though if that is all you wish to know, there are directions on the ‘find us’ page of this website. We are based next to a small village that does not have the luxury of safe separation from wild animals; many farmers and shepherds must protect their cattle from encroaching animals. We work closely with the village and act as an intermediary to dealing with any animal problems that people may have, large or small. Sadly, near and around Chiapas there is a black market trade of exotic animals, when the authorities rescue one of these animals, they bring him or her to us, and we nurture them to the best of our ability. Our physical location is the park, and though it is a very important part of Aluxes, we do not confine ourselves to it, we work to educate people on how to coexist with animals, as has always been the nature of humans.
Aluxes opened to the public in 2013, since then we have always been open to any and all visitors, schools and animal in need of help, but the true birth of Aluxes began around 12 years ago with the dreams of good men and women. Whilst they incredibly happy, and saw no pressing issues with their home, they agreed that the deforestation was going on at an unsustainable rate, so they began to convert large plots of pastureland into habitable rainforest, and thus began our humble venture. Over the course of the interceding years their dream began to take shape into something more practical. Eventually, from the four animals that were the original inhabitants, we now boast a little over four hundred animals, and we have helped and rehabilitated many, many more. The second question of time is that of the end of Aluxes. Contrary to logical thought, we would rejoice if Aluxes were to close, because that would mean that there would no longer be a need for us, we would have succeeded in our main goal, which is that of rehabilitation and restoration. We sprung up from the dream of few, now we carry the dreams and hopes of four hundred plus.

En Aluxes se ha integrado una colección viva de flora y fauna regional, la cual es parte fundamental de los programas de conservación, educación ambiental, restauración, propagación, rehabilitación y reproducción de especies nativas.

El ecoparque se ha convertido en un centro de apoyo para el cuidado y rehabilitación de fauna silvestre decomisada por las autoridades.

Carretera Palenque-Ruinas Km. 2.6
Palenque, 29960