Corner Brook Scaredy Cat Rescue
Welcome to Scaredy Cat Rescue, a Corner Brook, Newfoundland based cat rescue organization. SCR is Western NL’s first organization to introduce and advocate for humane methods of stray and feral cat care.
We are attempting to change the way Corner Brook thinks about the feral cat crisis. We want to empower other people to become rescuers on a small scale and teach people how to be part of the solution.
Our goals are:
To sustain a trap-neuter-return (TNR) program
To provide long-term after care to neutered feral and stray cats by providing them with food, shelter, and medical care
To reduce problematic behavior from feral and stray cats
To reduce the number of unadoptable stray cats
To educate the public about feral and stray cats and the problem of cat overpopulation
To assist communities in the management of stray and feral cat populations.
In a nutshell:
Our goal is to humanely reduce the number of homeless, unwanted cats and kittens. We will focus on stray, abandoned, and cats born outside, who have formed colonies. As resources allow, we assist care givers in feeding and sheltering colonies of homeless cats, which goes hand-in-hand with our TNR program. A caregiver agrees to provide the cats with food and water daily, and to monitor the health and numbers of the cats in the colony. Where possible we remove non-feral cats and kittens from feral colonies, spay/neuter them and place them in approved adoptive homes.
Goals for the near future:
Establish TNR throughout Corner Brook area
Reduce the number of homeless cats through TNR (trap-neuter-return) programs and natural attrition
Improve the lives of homeless cats in the colonies we serve by assisting with food, shelter and minor medical care
Educate and advocate on the importance of spay/neutering
Goals for the distant future:
Implement the model of affordable Spay, Neuter & Vaccine-Clinics as seen in Canada and the U.S.
Set up education programs for the general public through the media and especially establish education programs for schools on the care of cats and the importance of population control.
Lobby for improved laws for the protection of animals including legislation to control over-breeding, and for the enforcement of those laws.
The main obstacle to starting this project is funding. Each cat can cost between $200 – $300+. Financial donations are welcomed. Email:
Welcome to Scaredy Cat Rescue, a Corner Brook, Newfoundland based cat rescue organization. SCR is Western NL’s first organization to introduce and advocate for humane methods of stray and feral cat care.
SCR promotes a society of people valuing and safeguarding the lives of animals. SCR attempts to change outdated public policies of catch and kill programs which have proven ineffective throughout history.
SCR embraces Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) programs to stabilize feral cat populations. TNR enables homeless feral cats to live out his life outdoors with caretakers providing shelter, food, water and monitoring. SCR provides foster homes and place adoptable “community” cats into loving, forever homes.
SCR has rescued many cats in our community and surrounding areas. SCR educates the public on the benefits of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) and how to assist and care for abandoned and homeless cats.