Jennifer's Rescues

Animal rescue organization located in Decatur, GA. Tax ID licensed. Operated by Jennifer Lloyd, LVT, LAT, wild/domestic rehabilitation.

To help rescue, rehab, adopt out and re-release as many domestic and wild animals/songbirds as possible. Please also see my page SaveThisTreeDecatur.

Should you wish to list an animal you have found or wish to adopt out, please e-mail me with your text and photograph:

Thank you.

Volunteers and Donations Desperately Needed:
Jennifer's Rescues has no funding whatsoever and has been completely self maintained since 2007. Without volunteers and donations, I am unable to rescue and adopt out anymore animals and have often had to forego scheduling important medical procedures and regular vaccinations for my rescue animals due to budgeting constraints. In addition, the countless phone calls I receive every day concerning the extreme need for help in the Decatur/DeKalb area have been left unreturned, as I have no room to take in anymore animals until further assistance is obtained. Please consider helping our cause.

You can visit the Facebook page at: or contact us via phone or regular mail. Should you wish to help by donating food, pet supplies, services, or funds for upkeep, nutrition and veterinary costs, your help will be much appreciated and tax deductible. Our tax ID # is: 45-3967639.

Please contact me at with any text and photographs of animals you wish to list on this page or animals you need fostered and/or adopted.

Thank you.

103 Hibernia Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
United States