Purpose Farm
Rescued Animals, Rescuing Youth!
Seek the child, show them love, and that they were made for a PURPOSE
In 2008 Erin Maxwell, an 11 year old girl, was found to be neglected by her father and stepmother. She was also abused and then strangled to death by her adult stepbrother. It was then that I knew that I could no longer sit around and keep hearing the end result of abused and neglected children, but that I had to do something to try to help and save these children. I cried out loud to God to tell me what to do and he answered. Our family had went on a missions trip to Romania in March of 2008. We would always pass by a horse farm on the way to the orphanages. I thought that would be great if they could hook the horse farm up with the children in the orphanages to give them a sense of a purpose, a hope and show them that there is a different way of life and people that love them. Well God said, "Why can't you do your horse farm idea here in the US?" So I shared my idea with my husband and our children. In Aug. of 2009 we found the perfect property . By the end of Aug. we had obtained the property and started renovating it. By July 2010 it was renovated enough for us to move in. There is still a lot of renovating to be done, but that will come with time.
We pair youth ages 6-18 who have emotional trauma from neglect, abuse, and or being bullied and youth who have trouble adapting socially, with animals that have been rescued from similar circumstances. Through contact of our animal mentors & human mentors we want to give the children hope, love, joy, confidence and show them that they were made on purpose for a purpose!
We are primarily a horse farm with other animals such as alpacas, goats, a variety of birds, pigs, a donkey and more! We currently care for 39 rescued farm and exotic animals.
Find your purpose in helping us give these children and animals a purpose, by financial support, volunteering, and praying for our program!