Juneberry Acres Horse Rescue and Education

Juneberry Acres Horse Rescue and Education

These are horses that have come from various situations that needed a 2nd chance/a safe haven where they receive all that they need to live a quality life

To help equines recover their health physically, mentally, and emotionally while trying to assist where possible to keep horses in good loving homes. Networking horses in need of good homes.

Juneberry Acres is named after the very first horse that I came across that had been so badly neglected and starved. She was a beautiful 9 year old appendix that unknowing to us at the time was also bred. She was a scraggly looking horse that was so sad and starved for attention. I fell in love with her. Sadly she had passed away from complications in the pregnancy. Ever since then I have dedicated myself towards helping our equines in one form or another. There are many rescues out there but yet not enough. We as a community need to step up and help good legitimate rescues. Adopt,foster, donate or volunteer all of it is appreciated more than words could ever express.

You will find this page shows all progress both good or bad with all the horses. Our tears, our joy, our struggles, and our accomplishments with our equines. We love our horses, and while most will probably stay with us their whole life while some may become available in the future as they are assessed, brought back to health so that they either get to be companions or the best they can be. All equine lives matter

Aurora, OR 97002
United States