Feral Cats Maui inc

FERAL CATS MAUI INC is a Charity that Rescues and Cares for Feral/Stray and homeless Cats and Dogs. Providing Spay/Neuter, Vet care, and education.

To stop the Abuse and Overpopulation of feral/stray and homeless cats and dogs in our community and to provide a "STERIL FERAL" by means of Trap Neuter Return

TNR is a humane solution used world wide to provide feral cats with the best quality of life possible. TNR halts the reproductive cycle and prevents the continuance of over population.

Feral Cats Maui promotes the implementation of feral cat population control through TNR. TNR cats are spayed/neutered, vetted, identified, spend time recovering and then they are returned to their home territories in residential, business and light industrial areas around Maui. Compassionate caregivers work diligently to care for their TNR cats and/or colonies by providing food, water and some type of shelter.

The cats are allowed to live out their natural life in their familiar home territory and with other cats they consider feline family and friends.

Pobox 555
Kula, HI 96790
United States