Sachse Animal Shelter
Sachse Animal Shelter
ADOPTING PETS FROM THE SACHSE ANIMAL SHELTER: There is an $80 adoption fee for all animals. This includes spay/neuter, all vaccinations, and a microchip. Animals that are already spayed/neutered can be rescued for $25. The prospective adopter must have proper facilities to care for the animal and must sign an affidavit stating the animal will be cared for in a lawful and humane way, and that the animal is being adopted for ownership and not for resale.
PET REGISTRATION FEES: All dogs and cats are required to be registered with the city. The cost is $7 if they are NOT spayed or neutered; $2 if they are spayed or neutered. Replacement tags are $1. Proof of rabies vaccination is required and the animal must wear both tags (the rabies vaccination tag and city registration tag) at all times. Sachse is one of the first cities in the area to change to the new state law that allows pet owners to vaccinate their animals for rabies once every three years instead of annually. Dogs and cats must be vaccinated against rabies by four months of age and get a booster one year later. After that, the three-year cycle can begin. However, registration with the city must still be renewed annually.
LOST PET INFORMATION: It happens every day. Pets escape from backyards, a house or vehicle. Few are wearing tags when it happens and still fewer ever find their way back home. A few tips for pet owners: Check your fence regularly. Keep it in good repair. A padlock on the back yard gate can prevent inadvertent opening of the gate by children or passersby. Place identification tags on your pets (dogs and cats). You don't leave home without identification, why should your pet?
City registration tags are required by City Ordinance on all dogs and cats ages four months and older. Like most other municipal animal shelters, Sachse Animal Shelter has a longer holding period for tagged animals than non-tagged animals (5 day minimum for tagged animals versus 3 day minimum for non-tagged animals). The longer holding period applies to an animal with ANY type of tag, including rabies tags from veterinary clinics and city tags from other municipalities. Be sure that the tags on your animals can be traced. If your address or phone number has changed, make sure it is current on the tags. The advantage of a city registration tag is access to information that will allow animal shelter personnel to contact an owner any time of the day or night. This is especially important in case of injury.
After learning that a pet is missing, owners should check with the local animal shelters as soon as possible. Personal visits to the shelters are important. Descriptions may vary greatly and a lost pet report with a photo is helpful. Animal shelter personnel encourage owners to keep looking for lost pets for several weeks. Also, check shelters in surrounding cities, especially if you live near city boundaries.
If your animal has been taken to the Sachse Animal Shelter, the following fees will apply:
Fee: 1st offense 2nd offense 3rd offense 4th offense
Impoundment $ 25 $50 $75 $100
City Registration $2 spayed $7 not spayed
LEASH LAW IN EFFECT: Sachse does have a LEASH LAW. For dogs, if they are "not confined to the premises of the owner, the dog must be under the control of the owner by means of a leash or metal chain of sufficient strength and length to control the actions of the dog." Dogs must be kept confined to the owner's property in such a manner that it cannot escape. If cats are "permitted to run at large, they must have a valid rabies and license tag attached to their collar or harness."
HUMANE ANIMAL TRAPS AVAILABLE: Humane animal traps are wire cages that are baited with food to assist in the confinement of nuisance and nocturnal (night time) critters. These include feral cats, raccoons, possums, armadillos, etc. The animal shelter maintains an inventory of live capture, humane animal traps. These box traps are completely safe and are intended to confine and not injure the animal. Residents may reserve one of these box traps by contacting the Animal Control Officer at 972.495.2271, ext. 157. A $50 deposit is required when the trap is picked up. The deposit will be refunded once the trap is returned to the shelter.