Furlife German Shepherd Rescue
We are always in need of volunteers, foster homes, donations incuding supplies! Collars leashes, dog food bowls, towels, blankets, paper towels.We are a registered non profit incorporation through the State of SC and FGSR is a 501(c)(3) organization
Our mission is to 1. educate 2. protect
We want to educate the public about how wonderful GSD's are. We want to teach dog bite prevetion, and we want everyone to know what type of responsibility it takes in owning a dog. We want to educate the public about animal cruelity and how often it takes place, and how we can help stop it. How can we stop animals ending up in shelters? ONLY BY EDUCATION!!
We want to protect our GSD breed! We will take in GSD's from high kill shelters, abuse and neglect cases, strays, and dogs with health issues including seniors!