Kodiknows is all about saving animals..mostly pets. 10% of all sales goes to the Twin Falls Animal to help rescue animals in danger from abuse and neglect.
To help our animals and save from abuse, neglect and teach people about being responsible pet owners
Kodiknows is about saving animals in distress. I make products like jewelry, greeting cards and block art and 10% of all sales goes to the Twin Falls Animal Shelter/People for Pets for saving animals, training the public on how to take care of pets, and to promote animal care.
We often overlook the dog next door who is tied up all day, or the horse alone in a pasture without water, or that non neutered cat who has had 5 litters so far and each one of those kitties has had 3 litters etc etc, but these scenarios impact us all. That dog will be unsocial, and could bite, the horse may die of dehydration, and will no longer be a thing of beauty in that field, and all those kitties will multiply to the thousands in a couple of years, and become feral and possibly full of disease that will infect your own pet.
God gave us animals to look after, he entrusted these creatures to US, to be taken care of, to be loved, and fed, and sheltered, but sadly this doesn't always happen, man can be abusive, there is dog fighting, cock fighting,keeping wild animals in a backyard and cage, animals left to starve or fend for them selves. Others use animals for their own sadistic pleasures, or to take their anger out on, many times man gets tired of a pet, and fail to provide proper care, and love, so I have started this store to help as many animals I can. The Twin Falls Shelter is one of many who care about animal in our community . They pledge to help as many animals as possible, they teach kids about proper animal care, and push for better laws to protect animals.
Won't you join me on this quest to help save the life of an animal?
Visit my shop at www.etsy.com/shop/kodiknows