Visa Guru International Travel & Tours - Pvt.Ltd
Contact Us fOr Study , Visit and Work Visa's Services.
Our programs connect a broad spectrum of the travel and tourism industry.
Visa Guru International Travel & Tours mission is to help destinations, businesses, and travelers develop and implement innovative solutions that protect the environment, support adaptation to climate change, maintain sense of place, and generate economic benefits....
We are passionate about travel- and we want you to be too. Having many years of combined experience, our team has explored many regions of the world, and discovered what makes each location unique, authentic and unforgettable. It is all about the experience! Memories, friendships and appreciation of the world around us. Anyone can be a tourist, but Expat will show you how to be a true traveller.
These values are rooted in the deep relationships we’ve fostered with organizations of all shapes and sizes – from multinational organizations to SMEs, from NGOs to government agencies – connecting the dots along the way to bring the industry together in pursuit of positive impact through shared responsibility.
we have Realy a Golden Offers for All Pakistani's in a easy and secure way , ...