TEARS Animal Rescue

TEARS is a leading organisations in the areas of animal rescue, veterinary services, and rehabilitation and rehoming of rescued domestic animals.

TEARS Animal Rescue Facebook Code of Conduct:

This is a page for supporters of TEARS Animal Rescue, and we encouragect open discussion and invite you to share your opinion on our issues.

By participating on this page, you are agreeing to out commenting policy, outlined below. We reserve the right to delete posts on our page containing any of the following elements:
• profanity
• misinformation
• spam
• off-topic/irrelevant
• promoting violence
• promoting illegal or questionable activities
• rallying on behalf of people or organisations which support animal abuse.

If you repeatedly violate this policy, you will be removed from our page.

If you become a bother to our supporters, since this is a supporter page first and foremost, you will be removed. Again, we encourage open discussion, which includes disagreement, but we will not tolerate harassment or taunting of our supporters.

4 Lekkerwater Road
Cape Town, 7975
South Africa